Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is it just me or has the Summer in Michigan sucked weather wise?

So far it has been to cool and rainy for my likeing! Especially after the depressing 5 month winter we had! Is it ever going to heat up or am I going to have to use my stimulus check for a Florida or Arizona vacation?Is it just me or has the Summer in Michigan sucked weather wise?
technically it is not even summer yet, so quit your b!tchin'

summer starts this friday, june 20th.
Yeah the weather sucks here, the stormy weather is getting old! And it has been getting colder!! My friend and I are going camping this weekend and we just found out it's going to storm 4 out of the 6 days we're going... =(Is it just me or has the Summer in Michigan sucked weather wise?
Yeah, but when does michigan weather not suck? this summer is 90 degrees one day and then the next day its 67 degrees?!? WTF?!? i have to watch the weather channel now everyday just so i know what to wear and if i need an umbrella.
Well, technically it is not summer until June 21. I think the above average rainfall and the storms we have had put a damper on the weather. The thing is the Spring was not a typical Spring and that carried over into what is now becoming Summer. I believe the Fall will be above average temps.Is it just me or has the Summer in Michigan sucked weather wise?

Arizona i can agree with, but if you want to go to Florida and suffer at the hands of 100+ degree weather with 90+ percent humidity, than go ahead.

Michigan's summers are better than most in my opinion, even with the heavy rain.
It's Michigan, what can you say. We had some nice days a few weeks ago. haha. It didn't rain much in the Spring so that's the only positive I can really look at. It'll stop soon..and then the temp will go up ...soon hopefully. I would definately use the check to go somewhere tho. A vacation is ALWAYS good!
enjoy the cold while it lasts is what i'm starting to believe
Keep the faith. It could be worse! We could have major flooding like Iowa (yikes), or 100+ heat like Vegas. I'll take the current cold snap and rain. Maybe we'll have an Indian Summer to make up for it?
I LOVE this weather!!! I'm saving a ton of money on my electric bill by not running the AC 24-7. And, I'm enjoying the cool evenings outside.
Great here in Grand Rapids..........70........8:25 PM

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