But we dont want it 100+ degrees everyday. What is the best city to live in with decent weather, like usually 60- 80 degrees.
Is it a good place for a family?
Anything else I should know?What is the least hottest city in Arizona?
The key is in Northern Az or in the Elevations here..you definitely want to stay clear of the southern and western parts of this state if you want cooler weather, you may like Flagstaff best. Prescott is lower in elevation, often hits 100 but not nearly as often as the hot cities, %26amp; not alot of grass as you'll see in higher elevations. Sedona is nice, but you need money to live there.
As a good place to raise a family...sooo NOT, see this link
Most jobs here pay very low, and at min wage. Healthcare is suffering good doctors are fleeing the state it can take a few months just to get an appointment to see a specialist, even if they suspect cancer too. It's almost like living in a 3rd world country except the folks in those other countries are nicer.
First chance I get I am out of here. The 2008 recession ruined this place big time!!!!!!!
Grass up in Flagstaff yes, lots of it, Plant's of Northern latitudes like where your from, yes, in higher elevations. Perhaps New Mexico would be better for you, as the whole state is above 5000 feet elevation=more choices.
It appears by the question that there is not much you'd like about it here, most of the state is desert, even Winslow.
Az also has the highest incarceration rate in the nation too.
Prescott or Flagstaff, both in north-central Arizona, fit your criteria. Small cities, but cities nonetheless...both are college towns. They are both in the mountains, not desert region.
Some people are as surprised to hear there are parts of Arizona that aren't desert as they are to hear that there are parts of Oregon that are desert.What is the least hottest city in Arizona?
I'd recommend Payson or if you don't mind higher elevations - consider the White Mountains (Showlow, Lakeside, Pinetop area) It's beautiful in all those cities - big pine trees, mountain vistas, cool summers (don't really need air conditioning); but you will get snow and cold winters. Any of the places I mentioned are good for families with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities.
You need to come to Arizona for a vacation and check out our suggestions and make up your own mind.
Nancy Kay has a couple good choices there. Of those two, you'd probably be more fond of Prescott. Flagstaff is great, but they have mild winters and therefore a lot of snow. And the summer nights still get rather cold too. A summer day of 90 degrees (from noon to 2 pm) will still see 40 degrees at night. The elevation is high enough that the atmosphere is thinner, and therefore does not hold the days' heat from the sun. Prescott is a lower elevation.What is the least hottest city in Arizona?
The regions around the northern part of Arizona such as Flagstaff, Winslow, etc have milder summers, but they also have VERY cold winters.
The least hottest city huh?
there are some ski resorts in the mountains somewhere
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