create a law that discriminates all Mexicans found thereWhy did white Arizona conservatives with old tired and weathered beliefs?
It only "discriminates" against criminals. Mexican nationals and US citizens of Hispanic descent have nothing to worry about.
So Hispanic cops would have something to enforce. (What's your reply to THAT?)
It is mighty short-sighted to assume that just because somebody is Hispanic, Latino, Chicano or of Mexican descent is in favor of illegal immigration just because their skin is brown.
As a matter of fact, an assumption like that makes the person assuming it BLATANTLY racist.Why did white Arizona conservatives with old tired and weathered beliefs?
It only discriminates against criminals.
They did not...but why bother with FACTS when you have your lame UNINFORMED Opinion to rely onWhy did white Arizona conservatives with old tired and weathered beliefs?
HI TROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh look! It's someone else who's spouting false talking points about SB 1070 without actually reading it!
Here, I've linked the actual bill for you. Read the thing and point out exactly where it says this will give racist cops a free pass.
they didn't create the law, they only identified how they were going to enforce the federal law... for crying out loud, would you liberals please actually READ the legislation for a change? i can understand not reading 2700+ pages on health insurance but the arizona law is only 17 pages with all the attachments, surely you can manage 17 pages.
go jome
well, beliefs can't become weathered, the belief in monotheism is 5000 years old, and they have the power to make the laws because the Arizona population (for the most part) voted for them
What part of the word "illegal" is too old fashioned for you?
the premise of you question is false. Suppose it was french speaking canadians that were illegally invading Arizona. Would the law still be discriminitory? Take your racist views and remove them from the thought process you have and read the law before you ASSUME things about it. The only racism here is from you!
They have grown weary of having to put wrought iron bars on the windows of their homes %26amp; pack a sidearm to go to the grocery store. They do not like the idea of illegal invaders controlling areas of their state to a point that they cannot even travel in these areas without armament...sounds reasonable to me.
another 20 or 30 years, and all the bigots will die out
31 out of the 35 AZ state representatives also are Birthers. They also passed a law requiring presidential nominees to present their birth certificates.
READ THE BILL. It doesn't discriminate against all Mexicans. It discriminates against people who are in this country ILLEGALLY! We are SOOOOO tired of you guys on the left calling this bill "unconstitutional" when you haven't even read it. The Attorney General of the United States hasn't even read the bill, he admitted it in front of the senate, yet he bashes it and the people of Arizona. Why is that? Holder should be fired for this action, but won't be because he's doing what his boss wants: Stir up racial hostilities. The Arizona law MIRRORS THE U.S. LAW. Arizona won't be deporting anyone, they will be turned over to ICE in accordance with Federal law. Democrats are only opposing this law because they want to give all the illegals amnesty so they will vote democrat in the next election.
Here's a challenge: Cite ONE piece of the Arizona law that "discriminates all Mexicans found there". I know I'll be waiting a long time because YOU CAN'T. It's not in the law.
Pedro, your question has NOTHING to do with the Arizona law, but, libs have never let facts get in the way of a good talking point.
Stop drinking Kool Aid and read the bill. It mirrors the federal law. That the Feds are not enforcing because they don't want to loose the money payed into taxes, never mind what it cost the states and local governments in medical bills, schooling, and keeping them in jails when they commit crimes. Never mind the jobs taken when our own unemployment is so high. Go on ahead and run across the border on south and see how well they welcome you.
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