Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I convince my parents to let me go to Arizona State?

I live in Massachusetts and It is so boring. I dont want to be stuck here anymore. I love arizona and have dreamed my whole life to go there good business school ranked number 25 in the U.S.A. and cheap, and awesome weather, best looking campus in the country, best parties everything but my parents claim that it is too far away and say they would help me financially if i go there. I know I can go there but how do I with there approval. I got accepted last weekHow can I convince my parents to let me go to Arizona State?
offer to pay half i am sure they would come aroundHow can I convince my parents to let me go to Arizona State?
Go GO GO GO gO GO GO !have a talk to them its your future.How can I convince my parents to let me go to Arizona State?
The school YOU go to is really your choice. It is your future, not theirs.

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