i live in new jersey
and i just looked at the weather for paradise valley arizona
and the temperature for the next ten days does not go under 100 degrees...
how do people live in that heat?
this is a serious questionHow do people live in arizona?!?!?!?
Stay indoors during the days. Lots of water. Park in the shade. Take some trips in the summer.
how do you not live in arizona?
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How do people live in arizona?!?!?!?We use to live in northern VA just outside of DC so I know what your weather is like and it's no walk in the park either. You have hot humid summers - sticky and oppressive heat with humidity. 85 degrees is nice here vs. very hot in the East. Your winters are very cold with snow and ice - shoveling driveways is the pits.
Yes, our summers are undoubtedly hot but they are hot like an oven with very little humidity normally. It really isn't bad until it goes over 100. How do we live? It's called air conditioning. We have it in our cars, homes, businesses. Most of us also have swimming pools. We tolerate it because we have incredible winters. There is no snow or ice in Phoenix (only northern AZ).
I have spent years living on Long Island and living in Phoenix and I would choose Phoenix any day. Yes, its hot, but most people, apartments, etc have pools and air conditioning and there is NEVER snow. If you want cooler weather, you can travel 2 hours to Sedona or a little farther to Flagstaff. Great weekend get aways. We were just up there and it was cold at night and beautiful during the day. Phoenix also has lakes nearby, so if you have a boat, you can have a blast. Additionally, a few hours away are the White Mountains; Pinetop, Greer. Fun towns to escape the heat or ski in the winter. You can ski all day and a few hours later drive home and put your shorts on. There is also no humidity and people say it is a dry heat, but it is. 80 on Long Island is hot. 80 in Phoenix is beautiful. 110 is hot, no doubt, feels like hell but everywhere you go has AC and just jump in a pool in the summer and smile all winter long! Hey, Stephanie Plum should visit Phoenix for a day... no hair problems with our "dry heat" :)How do people live in arizona?!?!?!?
Two things: One is air conditioning. Almost everyplace in Phoenix is air conditioned. The other is that old adage "It's a dry heat". It's true because of the VERY low humidity it really doesn't feel that hot.
I was in Phoenix some years ago when the temperature was 124. It was so hot that aircraft at Sky Harbor Airport were temporarily grounded because the air was so thin they couldn't get enough lift to safely take off, but outside it felt the same as about 90 in any humid east coast city.
Omg! i live in AZ right now! It sucks. My AC doesn't work so it's like... 95 degrees in my room right now. I don't have a pool and my ice maker makes ice at a very slow pace! And my water dosen't get cold! so yea i hate it here! i'm moving to Texas... it's MUCH cooler there my dad told me the hottest it ever got there was like 80 degrees and the coldest it ever got there was like -8 degrees or something like that. YAY SNOW :D
But i would like to go to California but my family thinks otherwise. %26gt;:C
Lots and lots of air conditioning. I was actually cold a lot when I was there because of it.
Also, it's not like it's that hot all year round. But during this time of year, you just don't leave your house or car that much.
I lived in Arizona for a whole summer. I love the weather, and I had the river in my back yard. I got so tanned. It was so fun! I went swimming every single day from 7 am to 10 pm. They have thunderstorms and wow its so pretty over cactuses. Thats how i lived there.
When it gets 100 in NJ there is always a lot of humidity in the air, but there is little humidity in the air in Arizona. The humidity makes a big difference. The less humidity, the more tolerable the heat is.
Think of it as Minnesota in winter. You go from the AC in your house, to the AC in your Car, to the AC in your office until it cools down again.
I lived there for 10 years and hated every single day I was there
because 3 months of hell is worth the 9 months of AMAZING weather, and with the exception of august, its a dry heat- not the humid those back east/south face.....and once you get used to it, youll love it.
If I had to pick between 100 degrees in Arizona and 100 degrees here in Virginia, I'd take Arizona. Less humidity = more comfortable.
Limit time spent outside. When outside, try to stay in the shade. Drink lots of water. Really, it's no different than how people survive in NJ when it's hot.
the ancestors before it was Arizona ate rattle snakes today through the blood lines, people live there can withstand the heat
i love phoenix xD we have dry heat so it feels like a tanning bed =p we have ac in our cars houses etc... i tan in my pool with a glass of cold iced tea with music blasting xD
I hate living in AZ its like 115 today and i can't leave my damn house without frying myself
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